The staff at The Royal Scots Club have heard every type of speech you could imagine. There have been those that have had the room on their feet asking for more, those where there have been tears aplenty and those which have resulted in a less than positive response. To ensure yours isn’t the latter we’ve brought together some tips for bother the best man and the maid of honour. Stick to our tips and you’ll have a successful wedding speech.
Tips for the Best Man
It can be very easy to get carried away as the best man, especially if it’s your best friend or your brother who has just got married but whatever you do, keep our dos and don’ts mind:
- Memorise the opening line and next two lines of your speech. From there it should flow naturally and if you do need to read it then try to ensure at least the beginning is in your mind to combat the nerves
- Compliment the bride
- Add in good-natured humour but team every gag with a compliment or a congratulatory remark for the groom
- Try and keep it to less than 10 minutes which should be no more than 1000-1200 words if you’re writing it down
- Don’t use any swear words – remember there are family present as well as your friends
- Don’t refer to previous girlfriends or any lewd escapades
- Don’t include tons of reminiscences and memories – remember not all the guests know the groom personally so a little personal touch is enough to raise a giggle or two
- End with a flourish and ensure you conclude in a way you’re proud of – it’s what the guests will remember
Tips for the Maid of Honour
The Maid of Honour hasn’t always been expected to give a speech but it’s becoming more common. The bride wants her story told as much as the groom and not just from her father’s perspective. If it falls to you to give this important speech then don’t be nervous and just keep our tips in mind:
- Keep it simple and courteous – compliment the bride on her choice of dress (and husband) and of course thank her for choosing you as her maid of honour
- Comment on the wedding preparations, the time you’ve spent with the bride in the last day or so, reminiscing on your newly made memories
- Share an important memory of the bride from your past showing off the best or the funniest side of her character
- Compliments the ushers on behalf of the whole bridesmaid team
- Toast the bride and groom’s future
These tips may seem simpler than you thought but they’re truly all you need to guarantee your bride and groom both feel happy and satisfied by the speeches and the toasts you’ve provided for them. It’s better to stick to the tips and get it right than wing it and upset somebody! Classic and traditional never fails to raise a smile and applause.